Our Mission

Provide an almost forgotten level of personal service to the clients who trust us to resolve their legal issues. Do it professionally, swiftly, and cost effectively.

The RL Advantage

Where we came from very much defines who we are today.

Formed in April, 2009, Rubin Lublin, LLC (RL) represents the vision of two of Atlanta’s preeminent real estate attorneys. Glen Rubin and Peter Lublin began working together in Atlanta in the early ‘90s. Glen and Peter have enjoyed great success and honed their reputations on a national level.

As they grew professionally and the real estate industry advanced technologically, they witnessed a shift away from the personalization, attention to detail, and professionalism that were hallmarks of the real estate industry in which they grew up. By the late 2000s, firms were measured by their capacity to handle larger and larger volumes of legal work and their ability to deliver faster and faster returns—not by the quality of their legal work and service to the client.

Rather than ride the wave, they built a firm centered around a return to their core values of personalized service and professional results. They employ more attorneys than their market share would dictate and develop them better than their competitors. At RL, they have attorneys reviewing files at more key points in the process. As a result, they spot and address more issues, minimizing exposure to liability and ultimately producing more cost savings for their clients.

At RL, quality legal work and client service always come first. We serve clients with respect, while achieving swift, cost-effective, and legally sound results. That’s the RL Advantage, and we think you’ll appreciate the RL Advantage once you see it in action.

Memberships & Associations

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