
  • We perform both residential and commercial foreclosures in Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi and Alabama with tailored representation for the largest national servicers and banks all the way down to individual investors.
  • We generally employ a non-judicial method of foreclosure, and if provided with sufficient information at referral, we can bring a property all the way to sale in 40-60 days.
  • Although rare, title issues, bankruptcy filings or other impediments can affect the process, but we are well equipped to handle such impediments and get things back on track toward a final disposition for our client.
  • At each stage, our process is designed to mitigate our clients’ losses, whether by achieving a pre-foreclosure loss mitigation alternative or by maximizing the chances that a property will be sold to a third party at foreclosure sale for the highest possible price.
  • We welcome the opportunity to handle your foreclosure matter.  Please be certain to contact us regarding all of the documentation required to complete the foreclosure action on your behalf in compliance with all federal and state laws.
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